Friday, 24 May 2013


For the second and third week we had two awesome collage teachers. Their names Were Miss Norman and Mr Newman. The First thing they taught us was Drama. Mr Newman was so funny. He taught us what he said when he missed his mum. It went like this: ring, ring, ring, ear-hair-low. He taught us how to do a freeze frame, wax works and body shapes. Mrs Norman was great fun too. She taught us how to make a collage out of ripped up magazine and glue. The main thing we were focusing on was blending the colours for effect and lucky for us we didn't have to rip up the magazine! 
The two weeks we were with them were absolutely awesome!!!!  

By Diamonds.         

Monday, 20 May 2013


This term, we have started Electives. 
Electives is when parents and teachers volunteer to teach a small group of children activities that can’t normally be taught in schools. 

Here are the activities.
Art ‘n’ Crafts-Held, The Wardrobe-Held, Current events, Technology Challengers, Uke Group, Orchestral jam, Maths, Science cafe, Science World, NXT Mindstorms, and last but not least, Speaking Spanish!

On behalf of the GSNS pupils, we would like to thank the teachers and parents for taking the time to help with the Electives! We truly appreciate it!

By Cindy & Jordan 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Speech Competition

With speeches coming up we have been preparing by creating some persuasive
writing. Possible topics include, the good and bad points of having siblings and whether or not ipads should be part of school stationary. In week 6 the senior team is holding their speech contest. The  year 4s from our class are competing in the year 5 competition. Good luck everyone!


About Us

Welcome to Room 13! This is our class blog where we will write about the things we have been doing and capture the exciting events that happen in Room 13. We welcome viewers and comments on our blog site.